Kathleen BierneSister Kathleen Bierne
Holy Saturday

Scripture:  Exodus 14:15-15:1 and Romans 6:3-11

This day gives us time to grieve.  For me, it recalls to my mind the times I have been with a loved one when life and death met and the spirit is no longer visible—and I grieve.  Today is a day to grieve with the mother, family and friends of Jesus.  While we know that He rose and as the Risen Christ has promised that our loved ones also share in the Resurrection, today is the time to let our sadness, loneliness, loss and emptiness join with all who mourn.  This is an “in-between” day.  The horror of Good Friday is over and the Vigil of the Resurrection will come tonight.  As a day of both grieving and waiting, it is also a day that allows us to once again put our hope and trust in God’s promises. Our Jewish ancestors in faith did so at the time of the Exodus and through the many years of suffering and exile that followed.  We are asked to trust in God’s continued deliverance in spite of all outward signs of death and failure.  Today, we do so with confidence in the Paschal Mystery, the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, the Christ.  Let us go forth in hope to the Vigil.