ClausenHansen, CarrieCarrie Hansen, Cojourner
Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Throughout this Lenten Season, I have been challenged to explore my relationship with our Creator. Is it getting better? Have I deepened my spirituality and learned more?  As my pastor challenged us one day “Are you closer to God now than you were a year ago? IF not, Why Not? ”

In today’s readings, I am reminded that many in our faith history had a deep relationship with the Creator.  I am in awe of their faith and bravery in making changes in their lives as God directed.  Many also struggled to understand Jesus’ messages. It seems to me that the more I learn the more I question. The more I want to work to understand. Part of my journey is not just accepting the written Bible, but to incorporate context and depth of understanding of what the messages really mean for me here and now.

One thing I do understand is that no matter what we are called to do for God, we can be assured that He will remain with us and keep the promises He has made. “The Lord remembers his covenant forever”. What a powerful message and promise this is for us. As humans, in our weaknesses, we have that continuing assurance that the Father is with us, will not forget His promises and when we are weak, He will bring His strength to us, we just need to do our best to listen to His voice and allow ourselves to trust in His guidance.

So as I travel my daily journey, I can be assured that my Creator is with me, He may be a silent supporter, a cheerleader or a friend who asks “What are you thinking ? ”   I know he is keeping His promises so I will do my best to keep mine, and to listen and follow His commands.


Dear God, as I journey this Lenten path and work through my daily struggles, I am thankful that you are with me, my comforter and my guide. In you, I know I have a friend.  Thank you for always being with me and allowing me to have peace in my moments of struggle. Thank you for being my strength when I am at my weakest. And lastly Lord, help me to continue to deepen my relationship with you and develop my faith so that I may be brave enough and strong enough to do what you ask of me.  Amen