The Venerable Nano Nagle’s Lantern Light reflects back on her in letter writing campaign

f-joe-and-s-janiceInternationally, the Presentation Sisters, Friends of Nano, Associates, co-workers and students were invited by the Union’s Nano Nagle Commission to write letters to the Pope to ensure that he comes to know more about their Venerable Nano and her life as she travels through the process of one day being proclaimed a Saint.

The Aberdeen Presentation Sisters joyfully received the request and sent more than 30 letters to Pope Francis. Letters written by our community of Sisters, Cojourners and friends were blessed at Mass by Presentation Chaplain, Father Joseph Sheehan November 21, 2016, Presentation Day.

Sister Janice Klein, President of the Aberdeen congregation, also encouraged prayers so that “Pope Francis will receive the letters favorably and respond positively to our request.”  The Aberdeen community joins their prayers with those from around the world as we all continue to live out Nano’s mission.